UHD and GNURadio installation from sources with PyBombs » History » Version 2

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ROQUE, Damien, 11/17/2014 07:21 PM

UHD and GNURadio installation

Downloading and configuring pybombs

export http_proxy=http://host:port
export https_proxy=http://host:port
git clone https://github.com/pybombs/pybombs.git
cd pybombs && ./pybombs config
Username for GIT access
gituser [damien]:
Install Prefix
prefix [/home/damien/target]:/usr/local
Order in which to attempt installations when available, options are: src, rpm, deb
satisfy_order [deb,src]:
Comma separated list of package names to assume are already installed
forcepkgs []:
Comma separated list of package names to always build from source
forcebuild [gnuradio,uhd,gr-air-modes,gr-osmosdr,gr-iqbal,gr-fcdproplus,uhd,rtl-sdr,osmo-sdr,hackrf,gqrx,bladerf,airspy]:
Time the monitor thread waits (in seconds) before retrying downloads
timeout [30]:
CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE args to pass to cmake projects, options are: Debug, Release, RelWithDebInfo, MinSizeRel
cmakebuildtype [RelWithDebInfo]:
Build doxygen while compiling packages? options are: ON, OFF
builddocs [OFF]:
C Compiler Executable [gcc, clang, icc, etc]
cc [gcc]:
C++ Compiler Executable [g++, clang++, icpc, etc]
cxx [g++]:
Concurrent make threads [1,2,4,8...]
makewidth [4]:
Settled on prefix: /usr/local

[Errno 13] Permission denied: '/usr/local/lib64'
Error! Configured install prefix requires root privileges. Please re-run as sudo
sudo ./pybombs config
sudo ./pybombs config makewidth 2

Installing UHD and GNURadio from the sources

./pybombs install uhd gnuradio