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ROQUE, Damien, 10/01/2014 04:25 PM

1 1 ROQUE, Damien
h1. RAdio Logicielle pour la Formation (RALF)
2 2 ROQUE, Damien
3 2 ROQUE, Damien
warning. Work in progress...
4 2 ROQUE, Damien
5 2 ROQUE, Damien
The project _RAdio Logicielle pour la Formation_ (RALF) has been carried out by the University of Toulouse in order to promote Software Defined Radio (SDR) techniques into several engineering trainings. First of all, one can define a SDR transceiver as generic hardware device (typically wideband and with high sampling rate) where all application-related signal processing is performed in the digital domain (host computer or embedded device).
6 2 ROQUE, Damien
7 2 ROQUE, Damien
h2. Organization
8 2 ROQUE, Damien
9 2 ROQUE, Damien
h3. Members
10 2 ROQUE, Damien
11 2 ROQUE, Damien
h3. Equipments
12 2 ROQUE, Damien
13 2 ROQUE, Damien
14 2 ROQUE, Damien
h2. Documentation
15 2 ROQUE, Damien
16 2 ROQUE, Damien
notice. Update and translation in progress...
17 2 ROQUE, Damien
18 2 ROQUE, Damien
h2. External links