Wiki » History » Version 7

Version 6 (ROQUE, Damien, 10/02/2014 04:13 PM) → Version 7/52 (ROQUE, Damien, 10/04/2014 02:12 AM)

h1. RAdio Logicielle pour la Formation (RALF)

warning. Work in progress...


Welcome to the main wiki of the _RAdio Logicielle RALF(RAdio LOgicielle pour la Formation_ (RALF) Formation) project. You will find below a brief description of the project, few notes on its organization and general documentation on hardware/software tools. As explained below in details (see Procedures), details, this forge allows per-project spaces providing various services such as ticket management, source versioning (Git), wiki, forums, full backups and total web-based administration... Do not hesitate to contribute !

h2. Organization

h3. Description of the project

The RALF project _RAdio Logicielle pour la Formation_ (RALF) has been carried out by the University of Toulouse/ISAE(Institut Supérieur de l'Aéronautique et de l'Espace) (since 2014) in order to promote Software Defined Radio (SDR) techniques into several engineering trainings. One First of all, one can define a SDR transceiver as a generic hardware device (typically wideband with high sampling rate) where all application-related signal processing is performed in the digital domain thanks to a host computer or an embedded controller. It results in a highly flexible architecture, generally made of high-level software building blocks allowing to move from an application/standard to an other within a tenth of second.

In an educational point of view, SDR offers several advantages:
* cross-curricular approach involving digital communications, beamforming, computer science, networks, radio frequency electronics, embedded electronics;
* fully functional applications based on well-known standards and presented with an appropriate abstraction level;
* well suited to new teaching methods (e.g. project based, active, flipped teaching...);
* possible connection with research topics (from a simulator to a demonstrator);
* source code oriented project management, more and more used in the industry (e.g. agile, eXtreme programming).

Examples of applications (to be developed):
* aeronautic (ACARS, VDL mode 2, ADS-B, HFDL...);
* satellite (NOAA APT, DVB-S...);
* cellular (GSM, UMTS, LTE, POCSAG...);
* home automation (CCIR...);
* amateur radio (SSB, APRS, AMTOR...);
* audio and video broadcast (FM, DVB-T, DRM...);
* direction finding (AOA, TOA...);

For further ideas, don't hesitate to visit

h3. Members and partners

The project is currently hosted and managed by ISAE. It includes several members from the University of Toulouse: ENAC(École Nationale de l'Aviation Civile), ENSEEIHT(École Nationale Supérieure d'Electrotechnique, d'Électronique, d'Informatique, d'Hydrolique et des Télécommunications), INSA(Institut National des Sciences Appliquées), UPS(Université Paul Sabatier). ENAC, ENSEEIHT, INSA, ISAE, UPS. It has been funded by the University of Toulouse (23 k€) and ISAE (13 k€).

{TODO} : logos

RALF also benefits from the experience and hardware resources from several partners such as GIPSA(Grenoble Images Parole Signal Automatique)-lab, National Instruments and TELECOM Bretagne.

{TODO} : logos

h3. Equipments and softwares

The project is split into two main components:
* a mobile part consisting in a loan of SDR transceivers to the project members;
* a fully equipped platform hosted at ISAE (SDR transceivers, desktop computers, signal analyzers and generators, rooftop antennas).

h3. Calendar

Several software environments are available depending

h3. Procedures

h2. Documentation

notice. Update and translation in progress...

h2. External links