Xubuntu 1404 installation guidelines » History » Version 6

Version 5 (ROQUE, Damien, 11/17/2014 11:57 AM) → Version 6/11 (ROQUE, Damien, 11/17/2014 12:01 PM)

h1. Xubuntu 14.04 installation guidelines

The distribution GNU/Linux Xubuntu 14.04 has been chosen for several reasons: long term support (until 2017), active community, light desktop environment, available binary packages from Ettus Research.

h2. Partitioning

During the installation process, the following partitioning is recommended:
* primary SWAP, 1 GB;
* primary ext4, /, 40 GB;
* secondary ext4, /home, (remaining space).

h2. Packages installation

Get a root shell.

sudo -s

If needed, configure an HTTP proxy.

export http_proxy=http://host:port

Then, it is possible to complete the installation.

apt-get install texlive-full texstudio auctex wireshark filezilla \
openssh-server vlc octave-communications subversion git thunar-vcs-plugin \
xfce4-goodies arandr libreoffice-l10n-fr flashplugin-nonfree evince xournal \
eog python-matplotlib python-scipy ctags doxygen ntpdate libpam-ldap nscd screen \
htop inkscape filezilla gparted

h2. Services configuration

h3. Sudo configuration

sudo visudo

adduser <login> sudo

Defaults env_keep += "http_proxy https_proxy"

h3. Enable root account

sudo passwd root

h3. Enable LDAP authentication

dpkg-reconfigure ldap-auth-config

sudo nano /etc/nsswitch.conf

passwd: ldap compat
group: ldap compat
shadow: ldap compat

sudo nano /etc/pam.d/common-session

session required pam_mkhomedir.so skel=/etc/skel umask=0022

/etc/init.d/nscd restart

h3. Enable NTP

nano /etc/default/ntpdate
