Communication chain on USRPs using QPSK » History » Version 14

PASCHOS, Alexandros, 12/15/2015 12:57 AM

1 1 PASCHOS, Alexandros
h1. Communication chain on USRPs using QPSK
2 1 PASCHOS, Alexandros
3 1 PASCHOS, Alexandros
h2. Setup
4 1 PASCHOS, Alexandros
5 1 PASCHOS, Alexandros
To successfully connect two USRPs using the inventory mentioned earlier, it is required to have an Ethernet cable connected from the PC to one of the USRPs (in this case the Tx USRP) and then a MIMO cable that connect the Tx USRP to the Rx USRP. This way, the Rx USRP is also connected to the PC. The RF cable is connected from the USRP, using a 30dB attenuator to the Rx USRP. Below is a diagram of the setup. An update to the version of the FPGA image file might needed for LabVIEW Communications. In the NI USRP Utility an update to the images is done as demanded by the software.
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p=. !{width: 40%} Diagram USRPs)!
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_Figure 2.1 Set-up diagram of the USRPs_
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h2. Transmission with QPSK
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The block diagram of the communication chain is shown below in figure 4. An existing example of USRP communication with PSK was used for guidance.
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p=. !{width: 40%} Chain USRPs)!
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_Figure 2.2 Set-up Communication Chain between USRPs_
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Bits are generated (Galois) using a PN (pseudo noise) sequence. The signal is then modulated, filtered and sent to the transmitting USRPS, which is continuously transmitting. The receiving USRP will obtain the data from the transmitting USRP, and the signal is filtered with a matched filter, demodulated, and the constellation is plotted.
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On the front panel of the transmission there are several inputs and outputs:
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|Inputs/Controls| Outputs/Indicators|=. _Figure 2.3 Set-up Front Panel Tx_|
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|- The IP address of the Tx USRP 
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- The transmission antenna of the USRP
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- Selection of a specific USRP channel
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- IQ sampling rate [Samples/sec]
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- Carrier Frequency [Hz]
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- Gain [dB]
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- PN order sequence
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Filter Parameters
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- Roll-off
31 13 PASCHOS, Alexandros
- Filter length
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- Filter Type
33 12 PASCHOS, Alexandros
 {None, Raised Cosine, Root Raised Cosine, Gaussian}
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Modulation Parameters 
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- Samples per Symbol 
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- PSK type {normal, differential}
37 13 PASCHOS, Alexandros
- Symbol Map|^. - IQ Sampling Rate [Samples/sec]
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- Carrier Frequency [Hz]
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- Gain [dB]
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- Symbol Rate [symbols/sec]
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- Frame Size [samples]
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- Constellation graph [IQ]|!{width: 100%} Panel Tx)!|
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For the Receiving part of the VI, the front panel is depicted below:
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|Inputs/Controls| Outputs/Indicators|=. _Figure 2.3 Set-up Front Panel Tx_|
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|- The IP address of the Tx USRP 
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- The transmission antenna of the USRP
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- Selection of a specific USRP channel
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- IQ sampling rate [Samples/sec]
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- Carrier Frequency [Hz]
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- Gain [dB]
53 14 PASCHOS, Alexandros
- PN order sequence
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Filter Parameters
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- Roll-off
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- Filter length
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- Filter Type
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 {None, Raised Cosine, Root Raised Cosine, Gaussian}
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Modulation Parameters 
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- Samples per Symbol 
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- PSK type {normal, differential}
62 14 PASCHOS, Alexandros
- Symbol Map|^. - IQ Sampling Rate [Samples/sec]
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- Carrier Frequency [Hz]
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- Gain [dB]
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- Symbol Rate [symbols/sec]
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- Frame Size [samples]
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- Constellation graph [IQ]|!{width: 100%} Panel Tx)!|