Golay coding link BER simulation » History » Version 4

ABDALLAH, Hussein, 03/23/2016 02:15 PM

1 1 ABDALLAH, Hussein
h1. Golay coding link BER simulation
2 1 ABDALLAH, Hussein
3 1 ABDALLAH, Hussein
As we know the Down link of voyage 1 use the Golay coding when if fly pass by the Jupiter and Saturn.Then we add the Golay encode and decode module to the communication chain, first step we use Golay(23,12,3), the coding rate is 12/23.
4 2 ABDALLAH, Hussein
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6 2 ABDALLAH, Hussein
Communication chain of BPSK with Golay coding
7 3 ABDALLAH, Hussein
8 4 ABDALLAH, Hussein
The simulation program interface using Golay coding is shown below:
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The second step we change the coding parameter with Golay(24,12,3), then we simulate again, and we got two groups BER data, which is shown as following:
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Result of BPSK simulation with Goaly coding
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