Constraints for antennas selection » History » Version 1

AUGER, Anne sophie, 03/23/2015 04:16 PM

1 1 AUGER, Anne sophie
h1. Constraints for antennas selection
2 1 AUGER, Anne sophie
3 1 AUGER, Anne sophie
4 1 AUGER, Anne sophie
The type of antenna and associated performances are strongly linked to the considered central frequency. However, constraints are not the same for the aircraft antenna or for the ISAE antenna as we will describe below. 
5 1 AUGER, Anne sophie
6 1 AUGER, Anne sophie
h3. ISAE antenna:
7 1 AUGER, Anne sophie
8 1 AUGER, Anne sophie
Given the distance and the bit rate required to fulfil the specifications, a tracking antenna might be needed on the roof on the antenna. Nevertheless, as this solution is considerably increasing the system complexity, we will try to design a system with a fixed mounted antenna if possible.
9 1 AUGER, Anne sophie
10 1 AUGER, Anne sophie
In fact, the need (or not) for tracking will be determined by the required figure of merit (G/T) of the antenna (computed in part III).  
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12 1 AUGER, Anne sophie
*As increasing the gain of the antenna decreases its coverage (theta 3 dB), if the required gain of the antenna leads to a coverage smaller than the aircraft action zone, a tracking antenna will be required. 
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Aircraft action zone limited
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Increase gain ->> increase G/T but decrease coverage. If no tradeoff can be found between the coverage and the gain, a tracking antenna has to be used
17 1 AUGER, Anne sophie
18 1 AUGER, Anne sophie
Rq: high gain easier to realize for high frequencies, T decreasing when G increasing*
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20 1 AUGER, Anne sophie
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h3. Aircraft antenna:
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The connection between the aircraft and the ISAE building shall remain available for an inclination of 45° and an attitude of 15° at a distance of at least 50 km. 
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25 1 AUGER, Anne sophie
As tracking antennas are not an option for the aircraft because of the complexity of integration, these availability requirements dictate a given radiation pattern for the aircraft antenna. 
26 1 AUGER, Anne sophie
27 1 AUGER, Anne sophie
*Graph pattern, idée antenne, mais masquage de l’avion …*