User Guide » History » Version 5

LANVIN, Jean-baptiste, 12/15/2015 11:06 AM

1 1 LANVIN, Jean-baptiste
2 1 LANVIN, Jean-baptiste
3 1 LANVIN, Jean-baptiste
4 1 LANVIN, Jean-baptiste
h1. User Guide
5 1 LANVIN, Jean-baptiste
6 1 LANVIN, Jean-baptiste
For our implementation, we tried to be as user friendly as we could. Indeed, we tried to give to all of our VIs relevant names so that if the user wants more details (or would like to modify) some of our calculation it would be easy to look through our labview project. We tried to make the same effort with our variable names in order to make them relevant and clear. The units of those variables are as well given when it is relevant. We can point out that most of our calculation for the link budget is done in dB and therefore the units are dBs as well (dBW, dBHz..)
7 1 LANVIN, Jean-baptiste
8 1 LANVIN, Jean-baptiste
h3. Configuration
9 1 LANVIN, Jean-baptiste
10 1 LANVIN, Jean-baptiste
The information the user needs to provide to our program in order to calculate the propagator and the link budget are:
11 1 LANVIN, Jean-baptiste
12 3 LANVIN, Jean-baptiste
* the latitude, the *east* longitude (in degrees) and the altitude (in km) of the ground station.
13 1 LANVIN, Jean-baptiste
  Ex: if the ground station is located on the ground in Philadelphia: latitude= 40° , east longitude= -75°, altitude=0 km
14 3 LANVIN, Jean-baptiste
* the EIRP of the ground station antenna (in dBW) and its G/T (in dBK-1)
15 3 LANVIN, Jean-baptiste
* the latest TLE of the wanted satellite 
16 3 LANVIN, Jean-baptiste
* the EIRP of the satellite antenna (in dBW) and its G/T (in dBK-1)
17 3 LANVIN, Jean-baptiste
* the bit rate (in bits/s)
18 3 LANVIN, Jean-baptiste
* the modulation that is used (QPSK, BPSK and 2-FSK are available)
19 3 LANVIN, Jean-baptiste
* the minimum margin (in DBHz) that can be accepted to consider the link budget closed
20 2 DE GENDRE, Raphaëlle
21 5 LANVIN, Jean-baptiste
p=. !configuration.jpg!
22 5 LANVIN, Jean-baptiste
Figure 1 : Configuration Panel
23 5 LANVIN, Jean-baptiste
24 2 DE GENDRE, Raphaëlle
h3. Results
25 4 LANVIN, Jean-baptiste
26 4 LANVIN, Jean-baptiste
What the user can observe in the front panel is :
27 4 LANVIN, Jean-baptiste
28 4 LANVIN, Jean-baptiste
* the required C/N0 of his link (in dBHz)
29 4 LANVIN, Jean-baptiste
* the calculated C/N0 uplink and downlink (in dBHz as well)
30 4 LANVIN, Jean-baptiste
* the total C/N0 (in dBHz)
31 4 LANVIN, Jean-baptiste
* the margin of the link budget (in dBHz)
32 1 LANVIN, Jean-baptiste
33 5 LANVIN, Jean-baptiste
If that margin is superior to the minimum margin set by the user,  the button "Closed link budget" is going to turn green. 
34 5 LANVIN, Jean-baptiste
35 5 LANVIN, Jean-baptiste
p=. !closedlinkbudget.jpg!
36 5 LANVIN, Jean-baptiste
Figure 2 : Results when the link budget is closed
37 5 LANVIN, Jean-baptiste
38 5 LANVIN, Jean-baptiste
Otherwise, the button is going to stay grey. The user can observe as well:
39 5 LANVIN, Jean-baptiste
40 4 LANVIN, Jean-baptiste
* the distance between the ground station and the satellite (in km)
41 4 LANVIN, Jean-baptiste
* the coordinates of the satellite in the ECI coordinate system
42 4 LANVIN, Jean-baptiste
* the elevation and the azimuth of the satellite for the ground station
43 4 LANVIN, Jean-baptiste
44 1 LANVIN, Jean-baptiste
If that elevation becomes too low (below 10 degrees) the link budget calculation stops and therefore the button goes back grey and the ratios are equal to zero.
45 5 LANVIN, Jean-baptiste
46 5 LANVIN, Jean-baptiste
p=. !elevationlow.jpg!
47 5 LANVIN, Jean-baptiste
Figure 3 : Results when the elevation is too low