FlexACM » History » Version 5

GAY, Adrien, 12/15/2014 06:18 PM

1 1 Cuadro, Juan Pablo
h1. FlexACM
2 1 Cuadro, Juan Pablo
3 1 Cuadro, Juan Pablo
4 1 Cuadro, Juan Pablo
FlexACM In-band signalling on the forward link:
5 2 Cuadro, Juan Pablo
!{width: 45%}InbandSigFW.png(FlexACM In-band signalling on the forward link.)!
6 1 Cuadro, Juan Pablo
7 1 Cuadro, Juan Pablo
FlexACM In-band signalling on the return link:
8 2 Cuadro, Juan Pablo
!{width: 45%}InbandSigRT.png(FlexACM In-band signalling on the return link.)!
9 3 GAY, Adrien
10 3 GAY, Adrien
11 3 GAY, Adrien
12 3 GAY, Adrien
13 4 GAY, Adrien
As seen previously, the demodulator selects the optimal MODCOD based on the estimation of the signal Es/N0. However, the choice of the MODCOD is not only based on the comparison of the Es/N0 with the theoretical thresholds as distortion of the signal has to be taken into account (distortions from the channel or causes by a saturated transponder for examples). Moreover, we add some margin in the link budget by safety. 
14 3 GAY, Adrien
15 5 GAY, Adrien
Then, the MODCOD is chosen by comparison of the estimated Es/N0 with the theoretical threshold of the MODCOD + the distortion + the margin, as shown on the figure below:
16 3 GAY, Adrien
17 3 GAY, Adrien
                                            (figure p 124 newtec user manual).
18 3 GAY, Adrien
19 3 GAY, Adrien
20 3 GAY, Adrien
21 3 GAY, Adrien
We can notice on this figure that margin for selecting a higher MODCOD is higher that margin for selecting a lower MODCOD. This is advised by the constructor to create hysteresis and avoid togglings of MODCODS for specific values of Es/N0.
22 3 GAY, Adrien
23 3 GAY, Adrien
The distortion is estimated thanks to a NoDE (Noise and Distorsion estimator) feature implemented in the modem, margins can be set up by the user and the table below shows the different thresholds for the MODCODs:
24 3 GAY, Adrien
25 3 GAY, Adrien
26 3 GAY, Adrien
                                            Table thresholds MODCOD
27 3 GAY, Adrien
28 3 GAY, Adrien
29 3 GAY, Adrien
Once the optimal MODCOD has been estimated at the demodulator, this information is sent back to the emitter side. Two options are possible: in-band or out-band signaling. This last one does not send the signaling messages back via the satellite but use another possible links (via a terrestrial network for example); it is not the one chosen for this project. We used in-band signaling, consisting in sending the MODCOD signaling messages directly via the return channel of the satellite link as non routable encapsulated IP packets.