Mission Goals and discoveries » History » Version 4

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ABDALLAH, Hussein, 03/23/2016 10:53 AM

Mission Goals and discoveries

Basically, the main goal of these probes is space exploration and discovering. Meanwhile, several missions are defined as listed below:

  • Exploration of the solar system
  • Exploration of the outer limit on sun’s sphere of influence
  • Search for Heliopause boundary
  • Search about the outer limits of the sun’s magnetic field and the outer flow of the solar wind
  • Measurement of the interstellar fields, particles and waves unaffected by the solar wind

Accomplished Missions and discoveries

Since 39 years travelling, Voyager 1 & 2 accomplished most of their goals. Below there are several examples about these discoveries.

  • Active volcanoes and complex cloud forms in Jupiter’s moon
  • Complex discoveries about Saturn’s ring
  • 10 additional moons discovered around Uranus
  • 3 complete rings and 6 unknown moons around Neptune
  • Exploring the outermost edge of the sun domain’s and beyond
  • In 1980 Nov. 12, Voyager 1 Began the trip out of the solar system
  • 2012 Aug. 25 Voyager 1 entered the interstellar Space

